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[RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllDec 17, 2021 20:46:39 GMT -5
Suzuki Taru
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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Only a messenger. What an interesting place to be in this world, alone on a journey. Taru would like being something like that, she thought. Being someone who moved from oddity to oddity, discovering new and amazing things about the world. She loved Mizu no Kuni, every inch of it, and finding new locales to love was all the more exciting. If Nobody was a messenger, then that meant all the people here were meant to receive it, guided along the spiritual path. 

Taru continued her climb, dodging what rocks she could. Inevitably a few bumped her, leaving her scratched and bruised in places, but she did not let the pain of the body deter her. She was confident she could keep going. And whatever rocks fell on her wouldn't bump anyone else! Soon they approached a fog. 

"Fog often acts as a veil to the spiritual world. We're crossing a boundary," she said, excited, not wary at all about following into the dark and unknown. She had done it before, years ago, and she would never hesitate to do it again. 

She hauled herself over the ledge next to Nobody and stayed laying on the ground for a moment, catching her breath, before sitting up. "Mountains are good places for spiritual encounters because the thinness of air makes you closer to the realm of the dead." She climbed to her feet and looked at the uneven stairs. Time for more walking.
has written 379 posts
[RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllDec 19, 2021 22:36:35 GMT -5
Kaguya Seilin
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kaguya Seilin Avatar
age birthday rank Academy Student occupation
    You would think that being this far down would give you a better view of what was happening in front, so you could prepare, but that wasn't the main issue right now. Dodging what little she could in the perdicament of the climb, Seilin inevitably took a few blows with the rocks, and while it would scratch and or bruise, she was to be a shinobi and a Kaguya at that. Things like bruises were trivial to her and her people considering how they could harden their bones, but she still took it as a learning experience. All of this was part of the journey and being stuck in the past would not help any of them moving forward in anything.

    Pushing through and evolving was the only way forward. The experience they were all having now was one that would be forever remembered. Seilin was quiet as she struggled against the mountain. Feeling its power, the danger, the electric force of nature's abundance. The world had always been beautiful but things they held great beauty, held great danger. Victory belongs to the bold, was a statement many had said, but there was a thin line between being bold and being reckless.

    During one stop, the young girl would climb along the side, still within Asuka-sensei's reach, in case, she needed to make a move. Her pace was steady, her movements clear, and her steps firm in the uncertainty. Listening to the messenger as they struggled to the clouds, it was time for their next step. Growth was something that came with time and she hoped that this would be one stage of many. There were lessons to learn both in and out of this world. Although her twin had been behind her, this was a trial for them both to complete and learn from in their respective ways.

    She could feel his energy too, knowing that he was having a revelation of his own from this experience. Pushing through the cloud barrier, Seilin would finally drag herself over the top, crawling forward a few steps before breathing in deeply and exhaling, the burning of her lungs, arms, and legs, reminding her of intense training and dancing. While she hadn't overdone it completely, Seilin had to take a moment but she'd be alright.

    Pushing to sit back on her heels, a small smile would grace her features. Her silver eyes would practically shine, a fire burning in her body that felt like she had been restored. It was still the thrill of what was happening. This place looked like it had never been in contact with people. Forward enough to be out of the way and still within reach, Seilin's eyes would look above. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." the bell voice would ring. What she said wasn't directed to anyone but more like a thought out loud. The structure and darkness wasn't a deterrent but at the same time, it made her even more aware of the learning curve.

    last edit by Kaguya Seilin on Dec 19, 2021 22:38:00 GMT -5
    TheMerines has written 9 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllDec 20, 2021 1:52:10 GMT -5
    Kaguya Izaya
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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    age birthday rank occupation
    Im with the winnin team they make sure im not in last place
      That Way -- Lil Uzi Vert
     outfit: ---
    words: 523

    ❥ The climb was like nothing Izaya had ever experienced, no tree or building could compare to this. They were so high up with little for a safety net and without an actual safety net. The thought of falling only made Izaya want to push forward he didn’t even look back. His focus was on finding his footing, and avoiding getting hit, doing both was a bit challenging at first and he ended up with some scratches. Instead of getting harder however it only seemed to get easier the more he climbed. He had slowly become better at identifying proper footholds allowing him to divert more attention to dodging. He was easily climbing his pace slightly faster, but his movements became smoother as he went on. That was until a certain point in their climb.

    He briefly forgot what was actually going on, he was no where near the ground and his pace had only gotten faster. Coupled with the rocks becoming less sturdy and you had a recipe for disaster. As Izaya prepared to dodge some rocks his footing became loose, Izaya’s face and heart stiffened. He hadn’t found a proper place to go, but he had to move before he fell and got hit. Izaya jumped to the nearest section that looked sturdy enough avoiding the rocks, but once again he lost his footing only hanging on with one hand. For the first time during the climb Izaya looked down and was quickly brought back to reality when he truly realized what could be, no what was at stake here. So he dug his feet into the cliffside and while using all he could muster pushed forward this time at a slower pace.

    He went back to climbing the way he did in the beginning, but managed to avoid falling rocks for the most part. That moment opened his eyes making his realize even though this was a fun adventure his life was very much at risk. This did not deter him and instead grounded him and strengthened his resolve to reach their destination. His pace was slower, but just as smooth as earlier as he focused on every little piece of information he could gather as a way to predict rock falls. His senses gathered what info it could and his body and mind processed it. It worked sometimes, but he did more reacting than predicting as he tried to do the best he could.

    Izaya could feel his breathing get heavier as he climbed, but luckily he had went back to pacing himself and they were near the clouds. This is it. Izaya thought to himself after hearing the mans words. Izaya didn’t hesitate to climb through those clouds to reach his goal. The words of one of the others caught his attention as they passed through. For a moment he would forget when he realized he was a bit damp, not from sweat but it seemed from the clouds. Was there rain inside? He could not see it, but soon his attention would soon be elsewhere as they passed through the clouds and arrived at their checkpoint.

    It was dark here, and more clouds made it hard to tell if it was actually night time. Izaya sat down cross legged for a few moments as he soaked in his surroundings. He took a deep breath of mountain air holding it before exhaling, it really reminded him of the mist back home. After a brief moment he stood back up, and looked at the stairs and slowly started to drift in their direction and closer to the man who brought them here. Or was it this strange force that he felt that brought them here, he wasn’t to sure at this point.

    ♚ Made by SYLVIA of SA and GS ♚
    has written 11 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllDec 20, 2021 6:54:03 GMT -5
    Kaguya Toru
    "Live or die, just do it well.
    Kaguya Toru Avatar
    groupMist Shinobi
    age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you

    The young man nodded in return to because she was right. The thin oxygen did have a way of making people feel certain things. Things that were not standardly felt when one had both feet firmly on the earth below. Here the rocks tumbled, and the fog covered everything. The clouds swirled overhead, and the silence would reign supreme. Until it was broken by the voices that broke through the fog to join them upon the threshold of the steps.

    The leader would look towards and tilt his head ever so slightly, curiously at her statement before his gaze averted back towards the stairs. Everyone seemed to have come up with a few scratches, expected as the rocks tumbling down during the climb had been pretty treacherous in general.

    And so, once everyone that had started to climb had come up, he would begin to lead them up the stairs. They went straight up first, but then turned and became thinner. Each step becomes more dangerous. Each step. It turned again. It did this four times before the boy stopped and turned to the group.

    "Steel yourself. For what you will witness may take your soul, or it may reawaken it." There were no riddles this time other than the clear and obvious unknown. If they glanced up, they would see sunlight now, but not a normal kind.

    The dark-headed boy would step past where they had stopped after their long journey up the stairs and up onto what was most obviously the top of the mountain. The parts that pierced the sky so high that there was nothing here but cold lung shrinking oxygen. Pink cheeks, and flecks of snow. The clouds seemed to extend past eternity, the moon still visible here. Darkness in the sky, whilst the sun delicately played through the clouds.

    The only thing that could be heard was a mixture of howling wind, and the crashing waves below. The young man stepped forward unafraid, step after step. He stood dangerously close to the edge of the mountain now, a strong gust of wind blowing through his clothing lifting up his cloak. Slowly he would pull out his book and document the spot.

    "This is Tamashī no Tōchi." He called out into the nothingness, speaking to everyone and no one. "And you are the first to witness its beauty." He would turn to the group then and smile.

    "You may choose to leave this place the way you came, or you may follow me, and be born anew." In truth what he was offering was highly dangerous, but he seemed unabashed by the prospect as he looked down at the edge of the cliff. One could not see a thing, only clouds obscuring. There could be a cliff below, there could be anything at all. But he would stretch out his arms and fall off the edge, disappearing from view.

    As he did, his voice echoing.

    "Chosen one. Take the leap of faith."

    last edit by Kaguya Toru on Dec 20, 2021 6:56:23 GMT -5
    Han has written 2,376 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllDec 24, 2021 4:39:46 GMT -5
    Suzuki Taru
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Suzuki Taru Avatar
    age birthday rank occupation
    As they ascended the steps, increasingly risky, every breath of air came harder, made the lungs strain more. Taru was exhausted to the bone was fully intent on continuing the journey all the way through, even as the cold air of the high mountain rasped against her lungs. The subtle ache was exhilarating, she thought, and made one feel closer to life, to death, to the universe. Every precarious step took them closer to something heavenly. 

    When the clouds broke and the sky was laid bare in all its beauty, she beamed out at it for a moment. This view was important. A monumental beauty. This was why she loved Mizu no Kuni as she did. Though she hadn't travelled anywhere else, she doubted anything in the world could rival this. This sight. The sound of the sky and the sea at once, together, somehow, so far from the earth below and everything that came with it. 

    The young man moved to the edge and beckoned everyone to follow if they dared. Then he dropped. For a striking second, Taru stared. Her heart leapt as she thought of the terrible fates that could befall him, but it was not out of fear. She had never been one to fear death or its possibilities. If it came it came and if it didn't it didn't. To resist the universe's flow was a mistake. That meant that right now, she could do what she felt the call of. 

    Hopefully before anyone could intervene, Taru would take a running start and jump off the cliff's edge behind the boy, letting out a cheer that was quickly swallowed by the drop. 
    has written 379 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllDec 29, 2021 1:23:48 GMT -5
    Kaguya Izaya
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Kaguya Izaya Avatar
    age birthday rank occupation
    Im with the winnin team they make sure im not in last place
      That Way -- Lil Uzi Vert
     outfit: ---
    words: 818

    ❥ It wasn’t long before everyone was together again before the strange boy started to lead the way again. This time Izaya wasn’t far behind following behind the boy and the genin girl that joined them earlier. It was hard to see anything else but rocks or maybe there wasn’t anything else around but rocks and fog. It really didn’t seem like a place where people have been before which made him more curious at the thought of someone carving these stairs? Do stairs form naturally in the wild? He turned back to look at his sister ”Do you think someone made these stairs? Or was it maybe spirits?” Izaya briefly recalled words being spoken about this place, something about life and death and gates. Would he get to see a ghost?

    Seeing a ghost might be cool if one showed up, and now Izaya’s mind was filled with thoughts of ancient spirits. As they climbed the stairs Izaya remained vigilant against paranormal activity sometimes his mind fooling him into thinking a shadow in the fog was a spirit. He was slightly let down though he wasn’t sure if he should be let down, what would he do when he seen one anyway? They continued to climb up fragile stairs that got more narrow with each passing moment. One wrong move could spell trouble and Izaya was much more careful this time around, and there was something else he felt. He didn’t know what this feeling was or how to describe it, but it was oddly… familiar.

    The boy had paused in front of the group before turning to the group giving them a warning. A warning to prepare themselves for what was on the other side. Izaya’s heart quickened in his chest as he instinctively reached for his twin sisters hand. Izaya could see the sky, it was night time or was it day? He moved forward towards the summit with his sisters hand still in his. The sun was still there above the horizon, but the sky was dark as if it was night, the light from the sun reflected off the clouds rolling through the sky like a golden sea. The moon seemed huge in the sky its dark majesty looming over the others with just a sliver of sunlight reflecting off its surface.

    This scene shook Izaya to his core, he had never seen such beauty in his short life and he doubted even people who lived to be elderly have been granted the honor to see such a sight. Izaya has always loved his village, and was learning to love his country despite the poor state he and the other kids were living in. He learned to live, love, and have fun inside his little dysfunctional village but this, this right here. This was peace, serenity, he felt his excitement not exactly go away but transform itself like a storm turning calm. He couldn’t help but smile and not his normal big grin, but a smile that showed the warmth in his heart this scene filled him with.

    His nose and cheeks hand already turned pink, but he paid this nor the cold air any mind. Oddly enough though it was cold he could feel the last rays of warmth still emitting from the ever distant sun. It took a while before he noticed the boy wasn’t for from the ledge now writing in his book. Izaya became curious about the places this person has traveled, and if he could get the boy to tell him some stories. If they were anywhere near as wonderful as this place he wanted to see it. Tamashī no Tōchi he called it, a fitting name Izaya thought to himself as he appreciated more of this place beauty. More words left his mouth, but this time Izaya paid close attention to what was said as he didn’t want to miss a single word. Never mind what was said what was most important was what came afterwards as the boy simply dropped off the edge. Izaya rushed to the edge to see if the boy was okay, but he saw nothing. As the boy had jumped Izaya heard his last words. A leap of faith? Izaya wasn’t even sure if he understood what faith actually was. He looked at his sister before realizing he was still holding her hand.

    She was always with him since birth and he had faith she would be with him till the end. Before he could say anything the genin girl from earlier simply ran and jumped cheering as she did so. Izaya watched her leap to her fate before looking at his sister again, this could mean the end, but Izaya wasn’t going to backdown from no challenge nor adventure. He smiled with that big goofy grin he usually has when he’s either having fun or plotting. ”Together?” he would say to her knowing that upon confirmation they would both take the leap.

    ♚ Made by SYLVIA of SA and GS ♚
    last edit by Kaguya Izaya on Dec 29, 2021 2:04:41 GMT -5
    has written 11 posts
    [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllDec 30, 2021 1:24:08 GMT -5
    Kaguya Seilin
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Kaguya Seilin Avatar
    age birthday rank Academy Student occupation
      One thing that would be a constant for the rest of her and her twin's life would be this adventure they had embarked on together with the people around them. Seilin had always been told about the spirit of combat and their ancestors, knowing they lived on through their battles and the people. The subject of spirituality was not foreign to either of them and this only made her believe all the stories were true. Whether she trusted everyone's stories or not, this was the stuff of legend that she had heard of. To be able to say that she was one of the few people to grace a place unseen and untouched by the shinobi world was miraculous.

      It was like her cup was half empty in this teachable moment, of just being. It made her want to sing and dance right here in the land as an offering of sorts. The people around her had their revelations, but she could also feel Izaya's spirit at this moment. As if on cue, she turned to look at her twin when he asked the question, mirroring her thoughts. "If not built by spirits, it was a time well before anything we know." she'd say, not as speculation but as a matter of fact. Looking at the stairs as she followed her twin, she'd move cautiously. Her breathing concentrated thanks to the smaller amounts of oxygen getting to her. However, she had paced herself, and while she ached, it was the ache that the gleeful feeling of combat brought, her mind focused on the now that surrounded her, the energy of the monuments that were stairs, just exuding a power of a time past.

      Watching as Izaya looked back to warn them, Seilin would take his outstretched hand to stand in the gap. She was the older twin, and she would forever protect him, as was her promise to her parents before they passed away. Despite this, in the real world, as far as Seilin was concerned, she only had Izaya as someone who would understand her, and she was okay with that. She was blessed and fortunate to know the arts that had balanced her in a way, but even so, she stood with a group, her twin beside her, looking upon the glory of what came before. This was nothing that man had touched, and to see its beauty and passion all in one left her speechless. While her spirit seemed to surge with the energy of the space, the young girl was listening to the guide. He called this place by the name Tamashī no Tōchi.

      It was beyond fitting. The guide graced the name this place held with the serenity of a people lost to them beforehand. A god could have crafted it for all she knew, but Seilin meant to see this through. The cold air caressed her pale skin, moving and swirling her kimono about as she stood, listening to the sounds of the world around them. As Izaya stepped forward, Seilin moved with him, her walk still elegant, her grace in her stride as she took in the majesty of this place. For her, moving in any other manner would have been considered an insult. Watching as the guide dropped off the cliff, she'd move as her brother did to make sure the man was okay, but instead of worrying too long, she focused on his statement. He was telling them to leap, and it wasn't a moment before the words were out of his mouth that one of the genin jumped off the cliff in force.

      As Seilin watched her soar, she would smile as she thought, "Brave. I like her." The faith and courage in someone were always to be respected as a Kaguya especially. A Kaguya didn't precisely fear death either. Believe it or not, it wasn't something they were taught to fear. They knew it was a part of everyday life and that most things could end in death depending on the profession, much like their parents. Regardless, Izaya was all Seilin had, and she would always be present, forever his guardian and confidant.

      Listening to Izaya, she'd laugh as she nodded quickly before anyone else could stop them. Usually, he would get them into trouble, and Seilin would be there to protect him through it, and that was no different in this moment either. Jumping had already been the plan but it was nice to announce it at least for Asuka-sensei and the others present. Well onboard with the idea. "Together." she'd respond as they hopped off excitedly, plunging into the depths of whatever was going to be down awaiting them.

      last edit by Kaguya Seilin on Jan 8, 2022 22:27:43 GMT -5
      TheMerines has written 9 posts
      [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllJan 8, 2022 19:33:44 GMT -5
      Asuka Waruichi
      Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
      Asuka Waruichi Avatar
      age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

      As the kids made their way up to the Top Asuka would quickly climb her way up the smaller pebbles not being too much of an obstacle she’d watch as all of her students Izaya and Seilen making their way to the top of the mountain, where she’d see a beauty of a skyline however she’d a set of stairs before her and would faint echoes of the tall man telling everyone they needed to take a leap of faith.

      The sight was breath taking sure but she had a responsibility to her students and she could feel their chakra signatures getting further away. "No, no no!” Asuka would make her way towards the cliffside and leapt off spreading her arms out looking down hoping to find the two adding a small burst of chakra into her feet in order to attempt and latch onto the two of them and if possible clutch onto them.

      She’d glare between the two of them looking down in a panic not so much for her safety but for theirs, this isn’t the end is it? She’d sense the signatures of the others and saw that Miyuki and the others hadn’t traveled with them she could only hope they wouldn’t make the same mistake.




      Asuka would be caught in the mist and would attempt to strike out at the young girl using the [Silken Fist: Counter Blow] but due to her uncertainty of where to strike her follow through was poor and may or may not have hit her target. However in the process of doing so she was caught with a strike to the gut by her opponent and pushed further into the mist for now she awaits her opponents next move.

      Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
      With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

      Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
      Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

      Iron Burst:
      As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

      A Disciplined Iron Bull:
      During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

      last edit by Asuka Waruichi on Jan 8, 2022 19:33:55 GMT -5
      MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
      [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllJan 11, 2022 12:07:22 GMT -5
      Kasumi Momochi
      A true justice must be served.
      Kasumi Momochi Avatar
      age 17 years old birthday Feburary 22nd rank Chuunin occupation

      There is only one path left to take.

      Kasumi made it up the mountain with relative ease, though the air getting thin and the falling rocks had made her slow her pace more than she would have liked. At the top, a few scrapes and a slightly labored breathing was all she fell victim to. She didn't know much about spirits, and even less about actual fear, so she ignored most of the talking.

      "It's beautiful." She did, comment, though the comment wasn't exactly the most important. What was more exciting was the man jumping off the cliff!

      "Woah, uh, that's... intense."

      Following behind quickly was the other Genin, would let nobody stop her. Kasumi raised a brow, looking back to Asuka. She had the kids to worry about, but Asuka was capable. She trusted her to handle the kids.

      "I'm gonna go. Wish me luck!"

      With less thought than one should have applied to this, Kasumi stepped toward the edge and fell over herself, mimicking the style the stranger had done it in. Something about a leap of faith, and trust, kept Kasumi on guard though.


      Demon Chakra:

      Kasumi has become known for her strange chakara form. When in a dire situation, she is capable of releasing her chakra, which in turn takes a strange color unlike the normal blue color of chakra, and takes the form of a demonic cat figure. She is then enveloped in a demon shroud.

      This ability grants her a fierce looking aura, that may come off as intimidating and a tenacity to push beyond their normal limits physically- when this mode is activated, Kasumi is harder to knock out or kill and will generally fight for longer than a normal body is capable of.

      Keeping this ability active has a medium drain on Kasumi's chakara.

      Kenjutsu Training:
      Since a young age, Kasumi has felt the weight of a sword in her hands. She's practiced combat with swords, and is able to compete with some of the best sword users around. That said, people who lack training with a sword or intensive Taijutsu tend to be overwhelmed by her skill.

      Large Chakra Reserves:
      Kasumi was born with higher than average chakara reserves, letting her use more chakara and jutsu without being exhausted. A natural gift from her lineage. She has learned how to properly take advantage of these reserves.

      Equipment: Hakushika Kami

      Jutsu used:

      Bloo has written 496 posts
      [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllJan 12, 2022 13:35:11 GMT -5
      Kaguya Toru
      "Live or die, just do it well.
      Kaguya Toru Avatar
      groupMist Shinobi
      age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
      if i'm a danger to myself
      Just think what I could do to you

      All that had shown up, would fall straight off of the cliff.

      At first, their lungs would be taken by shock and cold air. A feeling of total lightness, as if they were birds with feathers capable of eternal flight. Then, gravity would tug and pull and they would fall. They would gain speed as they did, those who had jumped properly would be nowhere near the cliff... The mountain... But the sun would drop from view, they would fall through the clouds, their moisture colliding with clothes, serving only way the adventurers down.

      The clouds would disappear, and now below was only the roaring sea. This would strike fear into the cowardly, and awe into the brave as they grew ever closer to the salty waters below that crashed aggressively against the cliff.

      It was a fall of approximately fifteen seconds. So incredibly long even with all this weight and power.

      If they curled correctly, they would hit the waves without great injury though a sting to any exposed flesh. Deep into the darkness of the water. It was not a beautiful aquamarine here, only dark, navy shades of blue. So dark that within the water itself, one could not see in front of themselves aside from a measly six inches.

      If they knew how to swim - and why should they not, they are shinobi of the Water Country - they would rise from the waves, immediately to be overtaken by the power of the sea. They did not have to struggle, only swim to the rocky shore at either side of the cliff.

      Once all were on land, they would find that their leader - the dark-headed boy that had brought them all here - was nowhere to be seen or found and not a single chakra signature remained of him. Disappeared as if he were a ghost from sight. Perhaps for eternity, perhaps only for a short time. But the shinobi here would not know, they would only have this memory, this experience, this motivation of beauty to continue on...

      They would have their names etched in legend that they were perhaps among the first known to scale and discover Tamashī no Tōchi.

      [end - you may post your reactions and/or exits but the guiding part of this random encounter is over]

      Han has written 2,376 posts
      [RANDOM ENCOUNTER] Honor in AllJan 15, 2022 0:18:40 GMT -5
      Suzuki Taru
      Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
      Suzuki Taru Avatar
      age birthday rank occupation
      The freedom of falling through air. It was exhilarating, terrifying. Every second in the clouds, not knowing how close she was coming to the roaring waves below. Every second after, being able to see exactly how close to the water she actually was. The salty air stung her skin as she got closer and closer to the water. Eventually, she crashed into it. She knew enough about the ocean and her natural element of suiton to know how water could destroy the body with impact, how it was hard as steel with enough weight and force behind it. 

      That was why she tucked her body and made sure to protect her head and neck as she dove into the water. It still stung her skin and would surely leave some bruises, but she didn't think anything was broken. She would have to go to the infirmary to check afterwards! 

      She pulled herself above the rippling waters and swam to shore, still breathing heavy from the fall and from the crash against the water. When she dragged herself ashore, dripping wet and full of aches but satisfied with the journey, she sat for a moment and appreciated the sight. This was a gorgeous place. She would have to tell everyone back home about it. Maybe she could even visit with her teammates. 

      Where had the guide gone? Had he ever really been there at all? Maybe he was just a spirit, ever making the same trek. 

      When she finally felt less winded, able to speak, she asked her other companions, 

      "Do you all feel spiritually enlightened by this trip? I feel closer to the world at large. We've found something special today even beyond this peak."
      has written 379 posts